of Key Lime Pie, Conch Fritters and Rum Runners. A large piece of land on the water, nicely gated with a massive yacht anchored behind the principle residence will do quite nicely. Wall street can only dream of such things ... eat your hearts out you suited boys of the money markets, you haven't a chance of such a lifestyle! Martha will be on her television show pulling her lobster and stone crab pots up from the deep with her bare hands, sweating marbles ... demonstrating to all the world how it's properly done. The grouper and snapper must be scaled and cleaned just right ... and well dressed for cooking and consumption after a lovely assortment of Florida lobster and stone crab appetizers. Martha will show us how to do it correctly and with a flamboyant flair ... oh my! Will she flambe my stonies (local slang for stone crabs)? Otherwise it's off to The Green Parrot to get numbed up so all can better tolerate the situation.
Notice Martha has installed golf greens for chipping and putting so she can keep her game nicely tuned.
Notice Martha has installed golf greens for chipping and putting so she can keep her game nicely tuned.